Ceyair J. Wright
Ceyair J. Wright was born on December 19 2002. He grew up at Los Angeles California. Ceyair has a birthday celebration every year on his birthday in December, which is the 19th of December aged 18 years old. Ceyair is also a cornerback player in the football team playing at Loyola High School Los Angeles. This site will be updated when the birth information is released. Ceyair Wright began his acting career following a successful modeling career. When he was just five He began modeling in magazines. Wright started auditioning for roles at the age of 10 years old. In addition to the films Instant Mom 2 Broke Girls (2011) Life in Pieces and Training Day, he has participated in numerous commercials for television or in small role. Additionally, in American Skin 2019 he's appeared in Magic 85 and other low-budget flicks. When Wright was auditioning in Space Jam: A New Legacy 2021, he was offered the role of a major one. Darius James is the oldest son of LeBron.
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